
Mike smiff all gas no brakes 3 zip share
Mike smiff all gas no brakes 3 zip share

The tunnels had also become a visual sounding board for those needing to express their teenage angst through the writing of foul language and creating inappropri- ate images on the walls. For years, the walls of the CN Railroad tunnels along the trail were a natural canvas for graffiti artists. Walking the Polly Ann Trail south of Fourth Street is a daily exercise for many Imlay City students on their way to and from school. Gojcaj owns another Nick’s family-style restau- rant in Shelby Township on Van Dyke between 23 Mile and 24 Mile roads. For more information, call the restaurant at 810- 724-0055. (old M-21) about a quar- ter-mile west of M-53 (Van Dyke).

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“You’re always wel- come here.” Nick’s Country Oven is located on Capac Rd. “Stop in and check out what we’re doing,” he said.

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It’s for the community and for our customers.” Nick noted that the res- taurant has undergone ren- ovations both inside and outside. This is our way to say thanks.” He added that other than tipping the wait staff, donations are neither expected nor required. “I have great cus- tomers and a great staff.


He said response to last year’s free holiday meal was particularly grat- ifying and warranted a repeat performance, “We’ve been blessed and I’m thankful to every- one for our success,” said Gojcaj. Gojcaj said the free Thanksgiving meal repre- sents his personal appreci- ation to the local commu- nity for its support throughout the year. Gojcaj encourages Thanksgiving customers to show their appreciation by tipping his wait staff, who are also sharing their time on the holiday. There is, how- ever, a charge for beverag- es. Like last year, the first 200 customers to show up on Thanksgiving will be treated to a dinner that includes: turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy and vegetables. This is the second con- secutive year Gojcaj and his staff welcome local residents to stop in and enjoy a free Thanksgiving Day meal. 23, Nick Gojcaj of Nick’s Country Kitchen on M-21, is offering a flavor- ful alternative between 7 a.m. For those with no place to go or simply looking for a good meal on Thursday, Nov. For some, though, Thanksgiving is a day spent alone, absent family and friends. Thanksgiving is tradition- ally a day to gather with family and friends a time to share good food and companionship and to acknowledge our bless- ings. The total cost would include: site acquisition and construction site improvements to include demolition of the existing building all design and engineering fees required 8, commissioners approved a reimbursement resolution that allows for the issuance in 2018 of general obliga- tion limited tax bonds in the amount of $1,750,000 to pay for the entirety of the proposed project. Presuming approval is forthcoming, city officials will have to determine the best and most-efficient means of moving forward with the fire hall project. The city’s $189,400 transaction with the DNR’s Real Estate Services divi- sion will not become offi- cial until the next Michigan Natural Resources Commission meeting on December 14, 2017. The long vacant DNR building and 2.66-acre property had served as the state agency’s district headquarters until 1987, when they moved their offices to Lansing. Last month, commis- sioners agreed to purchase the former Department of Natural Resources (DNR) property on Borland Road, east of Van Dyke, as the site of a new fire hall. It appears, though, that issuing and selling capital improvement bonds to finance the proposed $1.75-million project is at the top of the list. “You can regulate it how you see fit.” Earlier in the meeting, Supervisor Paul Bowman stated that drug detection dogs and their police han-Ĭity Manager Tom Youatt said he expects city commis- sioners to consider all options for financing the construction of a new fire hall. “It’s safe, tracked and can contribute to the local economy ,” Givens told the township board. She said that townships would have control over the operations too.

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Givens stressed that the state will have strict guidelines that commercial growers, dispensaries and others would have to follow under the new law. In addition to a hand- ful of residents, the audi- ence was comprised of several municipal officials from neighboring commu- nities who were on hand for a presentation by attor- ney Paula Givens. Trustee Kim Streeter noted that licensed care- givers and patients would not be impacted by the township’s decision. “I just don’t feel it’s good for our community ,” said treasurer Roberta Kudsin before the vote. On Monday night the township board voted unanimously, and with lit- tle discussion, to decline to adopt an ordi- nance authoriz- ing any new medi- cal mari- juana facilities within their bor- ders.

Mike smiff all gas no brakes 3 zip share